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New Leadership Quote

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French author and aviator This quote shows the value of sharing your vision – the WHAT you […]

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3 Secrets . . . from Gary Bencivenga

And it’s finally here . . . that follow-up article from Gary Bencivenga, copywriter and thinker. In addidtion to the Pareto Rule (80/20 rule), Gary talks about the two most productive hours in any day. The all important first hour of the day, and the surprising last hour of the day. Gary writes the first […]

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Coming UnScrooged

A new book for executives, and project managers, has recently been published. It’s called Coming UnScrooged, written by A. Drayton Boylston, a well-known executive coach. Based on the classic Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, Boylston gives us the story of a modern CEO. This executive has lost his bearings in a world of wealth and […]

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The Pareto Rule and You

I know, we’ve all read the Pareto Rule, nodded our heads in agreement, and then put our noses on the grindstone and continued to do what we’ve always been doing. <shakes head sadly> As executives and project managers, our jobs are to get work done through other people. If you’re really good at that, you […]

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Project Managers vs. Executives – Part 3

or What do the Dumb-dumbs in the executive offices know? In the first two parts of this series, we learned how to decide which executive to start building a relationship with, and what we need to do in order to advocate project management processes in our company. In this final part of the series, we’ll […]

Project Managers vs. Executives – Part 2

or What do the Dumb-dumbs in the executive offices know? In part 1 we learned how to decide which executive to start building a relationship with. In this part of the three-part series, we’ll learn the beginning steps about what to do next. Part 2: What Selling is NOT evil. Here are a couple of […]

Project Managers vs. Executives

or What do the Dumb-dumbs in the executive offices know? As project managers, we know that the processes we use are valuable. We want to help our companies to succeed. It makes sense to us that using project management throughout the company will lead to success. No brainer, right? Wrong. Executives see projects as operational […]

Prefer talking to a brick wall than an executive?

Would you rather talk to a brick wall than an executive at your company? Do you wonder why executives don’t have time to talk about project management? Then this call’s for you! I’ll be participating in a conference call hosted by PM Lessons Learned (Henry Will is the founder). Here are the details: Thursday Nov. […]

Leadership – Do followers choose leaders?

In September, I heard Billy Jean King (US tennis player; instrumental in getting laws passed to provide equal opportunities for female sports in high school and college (aka Title 9)) talking about leadership. She said that followers choose leaders. Not the other way around. What do you think?

How is project management like conducting an orchestra?

Conductors of great symphony orchestras do not play every musical instrument; yet through leadership the ultimate production is an expressive and unified combination of tones. – Thomas D. Bailey How is project management like conducting an orchestra? In many ways. A project manager does not need to be the subject matter expert to be able […]